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Through an exclusive arrangement with the foundry, UNIVERSITY REPLICAS is proud to offer a numbered, limited edition museum-quality 12 inch tall bronze replica of "The Spartan," more affectionately known as "Sparty."

The replica is hand crafted by artisans at The Artworks Foundry in Berkeley, California, one of the world's premiere bronze art foundries, and the same foundry that cast the statue on the campus of Michigan State University.

The replica was sculpted in clay by sculptor Dale Smith from measurements and photos taken of the full size statue. He is the same sculptor who made the molds for "The Spartan" on campus.

The bronze replica is finished with the same patina as the statue on campus and is mounted on a beautiful black granite base. It would be difficult to find a more faithful reproduction of the original.

The replica is destined to become a collector's item that any Spartan fan would cherish and is bound to increase in value when the limited edition of 2000 is sold out.

Order your own "Spartan" now only from University Replicas!

The Spartan Marching Band

Your purchase of  “The Spartan” replica statue enables a $250 donation to the MSU Spartan Marching Band.

“Sparty Watch” is a long standing tradition of the Michigan State University Spartan Marching Band.  Band members camp out around the statue protecting  it from marauding vandals from rival schools during the football season.  It seemed only fitting that the sale of “The Spartan” replicas could be a fund raising vehicle to help carry on the traditions of the Spartan Marching Band. 

University Replicas is pleased to make a donation of $250 to the band for each replica statue sold.  When the limited edition of 2000 is sold, this will result in a donation of $500,000 to the band enabling purchase of instruments and uniforms, increased travel opportunities, and the creation of scholarships.


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