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Home About Sparty About The Replica Casting Process F.A.Q. Order

Replicas are priced at $2,495 each. A deposit of $1,350 will start your hand crafted, individually made statue in production.

Can I special order an issue number?

Yes! There will only be 2000 numbered replicas cast. You can specify any issue number as long as it hasn't already been sold to someone else. Please consult with us about your order over the phone. 1-888-SPARTY 1. Payment in full at the time of order will be required for number-specified orders.

Why does it take so long to get my replica?

Each statue is a hand made bronze art sculpture. The lost wax casting process is a complex and time consuming process. The foundry has a limited production capacity and is involved with casting many other works besides "Sparty." The statues are not placed into production until ordered.

Will I have my replica in time for the holidays?
Only the first one hundred replicas ordered will be ready for the holidays. The order deadline for holiday delivery is September 26, 2007. Order early The first one hundred could be sold before the deadline.

Can I deduct the $250 Spartan Marching Band donation from my taxes?
Unfortunately, no. University Replicas, LLC is making the donation to the Band.

Can I pay in installments?
There is a deposit of $1,350.00 due when your order is placed. The balance due will be charged to your credit card when your statue is shipped. If your balance due is rejected by your credit card, your order will not be shipped.

Order your own "Spartan" now only from University Replicas!

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