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Home About Sparty About The Replica Casting Process F.A.Q. Order

Sparty Replica
Order your replica today!

There will only be 2000 numbered replicas cast. You can specify any issue number as long as it hasn't already been sold to someone else.

Please consult with us about your order over the phone.


It's important to realize that "The Spartan" replicas are individually hand made museum-quality works of art.   The foundry has a limited production capacity of only 20 replicas per week.   The casting process for each replica takes 12 weeks to complete.   Orders will be filled on a first come, first served basis.   The date you can expect delivery of your replica will be emailed to you within 48 hours of placing your order.

Orders for 2007 holiday delivery cannot be guaranteed if placed after September 21 st , 2007


“The Spartan” replica statues are individually hand made special order works of art.  Great care is taken to make sure every detail of the replica is faithful to the original bronze sculpture.  In the unlikely event that you are unsatisfied with your replica, you will have 10 days from the date you receive it to return it to University Replicas, LLC.  The customer is responsible for return shipping charges.  Your purchase price and sales tax, less shipping, will be refunded after your replica is received in like new condition by University Replicas, LLC.  If you paid by check, we will issue you a refund check.  If you paid by credit card, your credit card account will be credited.


University Replicas, LLC will not share any customer information supplied by its customers to any other company or individual for any reason whatsoever.  The only customer information retained by University Replicas, LLC after order processing, will be customer contact information including which limited edition numbers(s) are owned by each customer.



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